Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession, and when the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.
He could not run as a Democrat, so he ran as a Republican, so they could steal your money and your wealth!
The Arrogance of the Europeans and the United States has Trump begging Putin to come back to the Table!
He was selected as the Criminal-in-Chief to drain the swamp of its wealth and infect its people with a virus!
He is creating an 'Overseer with Annihilation' without trying to fire a shot! He thinks, he can restore a white world order!
Committing the 7 Deadly Sins qualifies you to represent the Conglomerate of Evil! Pray you do not meet the name you invoke!
There are those who make things happen, there are those who watch things happen and there are those who sit back and 'wonder' what happened!
Trump’s presidency is failing rapidly. Like others before him, modern American presidents fail when they cannot master or comprehend the government that they inherit.
Is man inherently evil or is he under the influence of his greed? The selection of Donald R. Trump as President of the United States has man asking this question? Are we witnessing the rise of the evil greed or is greed finally turning in on itself?
Is the United States no longer a Democracy or a Republic? Yes, the United States is now a nation ran by an Oligarch structure of government? The presidential candidates are selected by a conglomerate of evil/consortium of greed! Greed is structural and its gives credence to its slogan: “greed is good for the control of humanity”
All this is done in the belief that the Devil does exist and the conglomerate hides behind this notion, in their evil doings, in order to further their own agenda. We cannot deny that mans’ greed in the 20th Century and on has brought us closer to the extinction of humanity. This is not the work of the Devil, but the evil is the work of man. Man is inspired by his own thoughts and a consortium of men gathered to control humanity for their own greed!
The conglomerate is like the serpent, but its needs a figurehead that is backed by a large military structure to carry out its misdeeds around the world. Is Donald R. Trump that figurehead? Is the United States that large military structure to carry out these misdeeds? And the answer for both questions is yes and here is why? Donald R. Trump was selected President of the United States and gives the use of the Pentagon at his disposal, as his predecessors have done in the past. Donald R. Trump is he the criminal that the consortium of greed has been looking for and can this conglomerate of evil control this criminal?
Reagan built the war machine and created super deficits that lined pockets of the conglomerate? But, this is not about him. Bush robbed the people for the conglomerate by bailing out the savings and loans, which was a kickback to the creators of the Federal Reserve. But, this is not about him. Clinton mapped the human genome, built the economy and lined the pockets of the conglomerate. But, this is not about him. Bush started a religious war, ruined the economy that lined the pockets of the conglomerate. But, this is not about him. Obama built the economy, robbed us of our healthcare, put in motion the weapon to control us and lined the pockets of the conglomerate. But, this is not about him.
And now Trump is set to rob the people by enriching his family and himself, while enriching the oligarchs and filling the coffers for the conglomerate of evil. Hillary Clinton ran in 2016 to keep Bernie Sanders from winning the Democratic nomination. When Clinton beat Trump, the elections were rigged in MI, MN, PA and WI to give Trump the selection. To prevent the evidence of the United States was no longer a Democratic/Republic, they developed the story that Russia hacked the election to hide the fact that the nation is an Oligarchy!
Trump was selected because he was the kid in the room willing to do what Sanders and Clinton refused to do? “Ooh me, pick me, he exclaimed!” The conglomerate said to him, you are going to do something for us and we are going to keep you out of jail? New York has enough information to put Donald R. Trump away for a long time for tax evasion. How are you going to do that, he asked the evil conglomerate? We have people on the inside, they replied!
During your 1st term of the Presidency, you will be impeached by the Democratic Leadership in the House, but you will be acquitted by our friends in the Senate. You will win a 2nd term to the Presidency and the time spent in the White House will nullify the charges put forth by New York and you will not go to prison. But, you have to do something for us, says the conglomerate of evil?
Here is the plan the conglomerate of evil has for Donald R. Trump. You are going to give a tax break to the oligarchs in America. You are going to increase military spending for the military industrial complex. You are going to create a Space Force for our private slush fund. You are going to reduce the middle class to take away their strength to make change in America. You are going to cut social programs and convince the middle class that the poor people are a strain on the economy.
You are going to roll back the Affordable Care Act! Obama recouped our cost by letting our friends in the health care industry write the law and as a bonus, those who had private insurance now pay more to fill our coffers. Once you are successful in dropping 10 - 30 million people from the Affordable Care Act, we can begin the next phase of our plan!
During the Obama Administration, a test run on the human genome (created during the Clinton Administration) was created to contain a virus in a specific area of DNA sequences for the beginning of population control. Obama was not willing to carry out this next phase of the plan, but you will carry it out for us. What do you need me to do, says Trump? Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and Zika are outbreaks that happened when Obama was in office and nothing was canceled or suspended, all because the stock market was still growing! These four viruses were test runs to affect different parts of the human genome within the world population. The plan was put on hold to capitalize on future growth of the stock market, as long as Obama remained in office.
Now, we are going to throw off the scent of the dog. How? A book was written in 1981 about an outbreak in a city called Gorki-400. The book was republished in 1989 and the city was changed to Wuhan-400. The people will see this as a visionary window of prediction and remove the focus from us. We now have defining characteristic within the virus to conduct a “Test Run” in population control on certain ethnic, age, sex and health within the constructs of humanity!
During the Chinese New Year we are going to send a Chiroptogolist into Wuhan with bats infected with the Coronavirus. The consumption of bats and close proximity to each other will make the virus spread exponentially and when they return to the nations they now reside in those nations will also be infected. And, if that does not work internationally, we are going to test the virus on certain groups of people as well by going into certain sectors of society to infect other groups.
Since we are able to distinguish population control for specific groups of people within the human population, China is willing to go along with the next phase of testing with the idea to reduce a large portion of their male population ages 18 to 54 years old, but they will not confirm its results. Why? China’s one child policy created too many males and not enough women. China is not happy about this outbreak, but since they are holding the $10 Trillion that was stolen from the world in 2008, China has no choice!
Here is the 1st phase of the plan? In Europe and Asia, a reduction in the aging population is needed to reduce the strains on their social service programs. A reduction in the unhealthy population is also needed to reduce the strain on funding their healthcare industry. The statistics coming out of Europe and Asia do not lie.
In the United States, they need to reduce the elderly population, so they can continue to use Social Security for their slush fund! The United States also needs a reduction in the unhealthy population to reduce the strain on the Affordable Care Act! As the African American and Hispanic population increases, they are becoming a greater threat to the power structure in the United States!
So, they also need a reduction in the growth of the non-white population. The more educated the white population becomes, the less children they have to replace their aging white population! Also, interracial marriages and mixed children are not helping their increase in the share of the population! So, the next option is to put in motion ethnic genocide on the black and brown peoples in the United States!
The virus has a specific component in it to attack certain chromosomes in the human genome, such as weakened immune systems, age, ethnicity and sex. The statistics coming out of the states concerning the ones infected and dying do not lie! In the United States, the first wave of people infected and dying were the elderly population living in hospice care and those living in nursing homes and retirement communities.
The next wave of infections and deaths occurred in the people with weakened immune systems. Their natural ability to fight off attacks within the body is diminished, thus making the people with weakened immune systems vulnerable to attacks on the chromosomes that protect the immune system. The statistics of the people with weakened immune systems that are infected and dying do not lie.
The higher percentage of the people infected and dying in the urban centers are African Americans and Hispanics and the statistics do not lie! This proves that the virus is a selective weapon to rid the world of certain groups of people deemed unworthy or overcrowded within a white power structure! Now, there will be white casualties in this calamity, but that is to throw the scent off of the dog.
Let us talk about how Donald R. Trump is going to “drain the swamp” with money from the $2.2 Trillion CARE Stimulus Package! He will line the pockets of the Oligarchs through the stock market buybacks! In the March 2020, the DJIA lost over 5700 points or 19.5% of its value! Who were the losers, the 401Ks? Who propped the market back up? The Oligarchs purchased all the declining stocks at well below the market rate, thus landed them a windfall of $3 Trillion plus for their coffers?
The conglomerate of evil will benefit from the $500 Billion set aside for American corporations!
Corporate America with Trump removing the oversight inspector will buy back their stocks creating a further windfall for the conglomerate of evil! As a result, the stock buyback will put US corporations in a position of too big to fail and give them the ability to dictate economic policy to the federal government! This will have a negative effect on the American people for years to come!
The $350 Billion in grants that is set aside for small businesses will go to white businesses. White businesses will be the first small businesses to come out of this economic collapse through opening new businesses in economically depressed urban areas, where minority businesses flourished prior to the pandemic outbreak.
In the last 10 years, the fastest growing small businesses were developed by African Americans and Hispanics. So, this economic genocide will have the greatest negative impact on those businesses in the urban community! If they are to recover, they will receive from the stimulus package the loans needed to restart their businesses.
These loans will have to be paid back with interests and a majority of these businesses will fail, due to the stalled recovery within the African American and Hispanic communities. Remember, the last hired are the first fired scenario! Whites will come in once again and scoop up these businesses at below market value!
The CARE Stimulus Package is costing the taxpayers $2.2 Trillion, which comes to about $18,000 per person, of which each will receive a stimulus check of $1200. The taxpayers will receive about 7.33% of the bailout, but will have to payback 100% of the bailout, plus interests to the Federal Reserve that borrows the money from the taxpayers in the first place! Let that sink in!
They are once again robbing the Treasury right in front of us, but yet we fail to act to prevent this raid on the Treasury! Here is how they hide inflation as well? Every time a bill like this is passed, the government gets additional line of credit and the growth of the annual budget creating an increase in the deficit. Also, new monies are printed with an I.O.U. and a promissory note that the taxpayers have pay back with interests. Also, every time a baby is born and given a social security number, the government borrows and prints new monies, as an I.O.U. on the lifespan of each child!
Once that child contributes and dies right before retirement age, they now put all those Social Security benefits that person was to receive right into the coffers of the conglomerate of evil! We are witnessing the greatest robbery of the nation in our life time! Why do you think Kennedy was assassinated? Kennedy gave a speech about getting rid of the Federal Reserve and right after that speech, Kennedy was dead! Follow the breadcrumbs!
Now, in order to stay in power and Trump and to prevent from going to jail, they need to disrupt the voting process for this election cycle. The number of conservative whites in the United States is not increasing fast enough to compete with the minority populations? So, to keep a grip on the white power structure in the United States, they need to maintain the voting strength of the conservatives.
The conglomerate of evil is using the virus to attack the minority population in the urban areas, since most industrial jobs are in the suburban/rural areas anyway. Look at what happened in Wisconsin, the city of Milwaukee reduced 180 voting precincts down to just 5. Why? This action discouraged many minorities from turning out to vote, as the definite long lines and close proximity to each other are real issues? But, how did that turn out? That conservative judge on the bench lost his reelection bid!
The conservative majority asked the citizens in Wisconsin to risk their lives in order to vote to the benefit of the Republican Party. The Court unveiled its 5 to 4 decision saying that while the justices are staying safe at home, thousands of voters in Wisconsin must either risk infection by defying a stay at home order or forfeit their right to vote in important state elections.
This is the plan being put forth for the general election? Swing states will decide the outcome for the Presidential election and the other candidates running down the line? If people are forced to go the polls to vote, they will be reluctant for fear of this designed pandemic! Why is that the Supreme Court ruling made the decision for Wisconsin voters to vote in person when their decision was made through a 5 to 4 vote conference call?
Let us never forget that Donald R. Trump was briefed about the Coronavirus over 3 months ago! He also removed the Pandemic Response Team for What? Trump called it a hoax, a conspiracy theory by the Democrats and then he chose to ignore the virus, as just the flu! This was all done by choice? Why? It is a “Test Run” or “Phase One” to what?
Trump states, we are doing a tremendous job! No one in history has done the job that we are doing! He created the illusion of doing more for the people! He made excuses for doing less and blamed the states for not doing enough! A reduction in pandemic response time increased the spread of the virus! Trump is running the country like a business and he sucks at running businesses! He is using the Trump name to profit! All Trump failures!
He forced states to fend for themselves! Anytime a crisis happens in multiple states, it warrants a response from the federal government. FEMA leads that response team and FEMA is the federal government. The “Blame Game” by Trump is a miss-direction to make it seem like it is the fault of the states for not being response ready!
The Pandemic Response Team was intentionally dismantled because it was set up during the Obama Administration. Obama knew what was coming next and the criminal did as well! He could have kept the team and put his own in place, but he cut the team because they were doing nothing. We all know a Pandemic Response Team needs to be on standby, as we have witnessed at least 10 outbreaks in the past 20 years. Let that sink in!
The power of politics does not reside in the politician, the power rest in the money behind the politician. So, what happens when the money is in the politician? Ensuring tranquility for the Oligarchs! At this moment in time, man is witnessing his utter destruction from within! His greed has turned him against himself and now the head of the serpent is forming! Why?
I would rather “think” or “believe” that the leadership in man is alien influenced than to “know” that man is inherently evil! “If you can think it, someone else has done it or someone else is doing it.” With that being said and if I was part of the conglomerate evil, this is how I would implement “Phase One” of the plan for total control? I am putting this out there for one reason only, to do my part because “Evil Prevails When Good Men Fail to Act” and I denounce Evil!
Is man inherently evil or is he under the influence of his greed? The selection of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States has man asking this question? Are we witnessing the rise of the evil greed, is greed finally exposing a fatal flaw or is greed turning in on itself? The answer is yes, why?
So, what does the United States and President Donald J. Trump have to do with this? Trump was selected to serve as President because he agreed to be privy to the release of the Coronavirus on the American Citizenry or go to jail for tax evasion in New York. He would also be responsible for the collapse of the world economy, robbing the Treasury and putting more power in the hands of the Conglomerate of Evil.
What we are witnessing is what is not being done is being done for a reason? Donald J. Trump is the Criminal-in-Chief selected by the conglomerate of evil to carry out their evil misdeeds. In Phase One, the “Test Run” developed a bio-weapon that is selective in exposure and death that impacts some groups of people more than others. This virus is disproportionately effective across racial groups, the elderly, the socio-economic status and the health of the population. The decision has been made for population control. Why?
In order to increase the profits for the Conglomerate of Evil, the implementation of economic slavery needs to be instituted worldwide and population control is part of that plan. The Coronavirus is the “test run” that is designed to be selective in the mass extinction of certain parts of the world. This will increase economic output and consumption by eradicating the less desirables and reduce the strain on the social service programs of the nations.
As the world is controlled by the European Powers and the United States, it is proven that the more educated “they” become the less children they have at their own demise. To prevent themselves from becoming the minority group in selective nations, population control is the only answer. Many of the European nations and the United States rely on immigration from Africa, the Middle East and Central America to offset their own childbirth shortfalls.
The influx of new immigrants to the US and European nations are experiencing an increase in childbirths. The US and the EU nations cannot allow themselves to be overrun with an increase in the immigrant population. These new immigrants may put a strain on social service programs, only if jobs are not readily available. As the immigrant population increases in these nations, they will also experience an increase in economic prosperity and social upward mobility, if given the right opportunities.
So, how does Trump play a role in the pandemic? The Trump Administration receives what is called the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) and as early as November, the PDB warned of an outbreak in Wuhan, China. Instead of putting a possible outbreak plan in place, Trump decided to praise President Xi for his handling of the outbreak. China did not divulge any information to the World Health Organization (WHO) nor the rest of the world.
Now mind you President Obama left a Pandemic Response Team and a Playbook in place, but Trump decided to dismantle the team and scrap the playbook, only because it was an Obama plan. Trump refused to put his own Pandemic Response Team in place and refused to create his own Pandemic Playbook. Trump also criticized the World Health Organization for not condemning China, so he can push in own ineptness on the WHO.
Trump also played down the possibility of an outbreak in the United States, as he called it a hoax. He went a step further to even call it a conspiracy that Democrats planned to discredit him and his chances for re-election. Trump purposefully played down the Coronavirus to get the exposure rate as high as possible on the US population.
Trump’s stall tactic was the plan to watch the impact the bio-weapon was to have on the nation that attacked the elderly, then those with weak immune systems and those in lower socio-economic status. The statistics showed that those with weaker immune systems and lower socio-economic status were African Americans and Latin Americans.
As states, such as New York started seeing an increase in infections and deaths, the statistics began to show the racial makeup of those infected and those, who were dying. Now, the bio-weapon is killing the elderly, people in the black community and the brown community disproportionately. The socio-economic status of these people, who do not seek medical care, the Trump Administration is blaming as the reason for these increased numbers. The numbers also showed males were affected at a higher rate than females.
The Coronavirus affects at a higher rate on the people, who cannot work from home, mainly in the service industry. The black and brown populations are exposed to the virus at a higher rate into their communities. By now, many states were forced to shut down and implement a “stay at home order” to prevent the spreading of the Coronavirus. This resulted in the collapse of New York’s economy and every other state that followed, as they experienced the same results.
As the virus increased in each state, the rate of exposure and deaths, the states requested a response from the federal government and Trump demanded a “Quid Pro Quo” from the states? His comment was, “they criticized me and now they want something from me!” Once the CDC issued guidelines to stay at home, practice social distancing and wearing masks, this escalated the shutdown of businesses across the nation.
Once Congress, witnessed the collapsing of the economy, they moved fast with the CARES Act. However, the first $1 Trillion of bailout money went to companies, who have influence over US policy, such as government sponsored industries and the Federal Reserve. The $2.2 Trillion CARES Act bailout package for the nation was a fraud?
More than 80% of the stimulus package went to Big American Corporations, companies controlled by billionaires and other big companies deemed essential, such as hotels, airlines, financial institutions, banks and too many others to name? This kept these companies in financial stability and enhanced their power to set economic policy.
The $389 Billion bailout package for small businesses went to franchises that had to pay their franchise fees to their major corporations and the remainder went to selective small white businesses. By the time minority small businesses’ applications were processed, the money was already spent. We just witnessed the biggest shift in economic power in this nation’s history!
Why was this done? In the last ten years the largest growth in small businesses came within the black and brown communities. Without any of the stimulus money to keep these businesses afloat, it is reasonable to say that up to 80% of these minority businesses may not return. It is the minority communities that will be the ones to once again bear the brunt of the chaos. Now, the black and brown communities have the virus and an economic depression. Trump knew all along that what was not happening was happening for a reason!
Why the shift in the economic power within this nation? The industrial world has fallen under the control of the billionaires and the conglomerate of evil. These two groups are one in the same that sets economic policy, public policy and of course racial policy. The economic policy set by them is to lower economic wages and increase credit debt for the masses. The public policy is set to force the common worker to pay more for everything, such as healthcare, insurance and many other fees to keep them in perpetual debt. The racial policy is set to prevent the black and brown population from re-gaining a foothold to control the businesses in their own communities.
So, why is the stock market doing so well? That is because the stock buybacks and the investors are billionaires, who have purchased seats on the boards of all the major corporations in the United States and around the world. By collapsing the world economy, the conglomerate of evil can control which companies are going to thrive and the ones that falter, which polices will benefit them, which racial group will support them and which racial groups will defy them!
Too much power in the hands of the people is a threat to the bottom line and their profits. When a community of color prospers, their focus is to sustain that way of life by becoming involved in politics and social upward mobility. So, to keep this from happening, an incident, such as a pandemic with a quarantine will stifle the economic prosperity in the black community and set that community back for years to come.
By collapsing the economy in the US, the Criminal-in-Chief can reset policy, reset economics and reset racial advancements. Since these major corporations are in Europe and the United States, they are relying on their white communities for support. This is called, resetting the goalpost! Resetting the goalpost by bailing out major corporations and small white businesses, economic stability will restore white dominance once again in black and brown communities.
Many of the small businesses in the black and brown communities that do come back will need new loans creating more debt. Applying for new loans will be hindered, as those communities are “red-lined” and the banking industry, backed by billionaire board members will deny many of the loans required for economic revival. If you can control the money in the black and brown communities, you can control the black and brown communities.
Due to the pandemic, many of the people in the black and brown community will not be able to support these businesses, as many of their jobs in the service sector will not be returning any time soon! People in the black and brown community also know the virus is affecting their community at a higher rate and will be reluctant to return to the workforce right away. As black people are the last hired and the first fired, this will not give black businesses the economic stability needed to survive in the black community. Black businesses right now are begging the community for support for their businesses in order to survive!
Most of the small white businesses that do come back will hire mostly whites first, who lost their jobs in the service sector. Why? Trump has demonstrated that the virus has a minimum impact on the white community and whites are always the first hired. As most of the people affected by the Coronavirus are from the black and brown communities, whites will also be skeptical on rehiring them. After resetting the goalpost, the conglomerate of evil may come to table and offer a few breadcrumbs, but their greed makes this highly unlikely!
Trump is using the divide and conquer strategy to force states to re-open their economies. He is forcing states to reopen too soon, so the population in the lower income communities are forced to go back to work, so states can reduce unemployment payments. Trump is forcing industries to re-open to keep the black and brown population in close proximity to each other in the hopes of increasing the exposure rate from this bio-weapon.
By playing politics in democratic controlled states, the Trump Administration pushed just the Democratic Governors to re-open their economies and he did this by convincing white America that these governors are trampling on their freedoms and liberties. We witnessed armed protests of whites in state capitols with Democratic Governors. States with Republican Governors that re-opened early are experiencing an increase rate of exposure from the Coronavirus.
If you pay close attention, Trump is telling white America that the virus has a lower impact on their population, so they needed to force these states to re-open. Trump used the bully pulpit to force Democratic Governors to re-open, as they are the reason why the economy is not on the rebound, they are hurting his unemployment numbers and his chance for re-election.
These Democratic Governors wanted to open their economies, but they wanted to ramp up testing with the help of federal government, but once again Trump refused to help. He also refused to put in place the Defense Production Act to increase production of medical supplies with the help of US Corporations. The states had to outbid each other for the necessary medical equipment needed to treat the Coronavirus. What kind of President would allow that to happen, especially if Congress is ready to fund this crisis?
As Trump refused to help the states, he instead threw his support behind armed white protestors in states like Michigan for the sole purpose of creating a wedge between his base supporters and liberals. As Trump ramped his rhetoric in democratically controlled states, he was sending a message to his supporters that these states were trampling on their freedoms and liberties by enforcing stay at home orders.
When these states pushed back with success, the Trump Administration needed another incident in his divide and conquer strategy for the nation. He was able to get the biggest spark in his administration with the untimely death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. Trump used this incident to get the black community angry. Trump wants the black community to rise up to demand change, so he and the conglomerate of evil can test Presidential Powers.
Trump now has a war on two fronts in America? He has armed whites protesting for their freedoms and liberties and the black community protesting the death of a black man at the hands of the police. To further divide the nation, he called the armed right wing protestors “very good people” and the unarmed black protestors “thugs, looters and fire-starters” and he even went a step further with his support for the police with his “law and order” stance.
With the protesting, the looting in the black community, he was able to send in the antagonist and professional disrupters. But, was he effective in “throwing off the scent of the dog” by blaming blacks and Antifa for all the rioting and looting taking place across the country? No, as the video evidence was able to show the instigators were not black, but white. It is possible they could be Antifa, but they can also be the KKK and their affiliates?
What we are witnessing is the dismantling and economic destruction of businesses in the black community at the hands of the Trump Administration. He divisiveness is fueling the flames of division in the nation. As a result, Trump needs an escalation of rioting to be able to invoke the Insurrection Act. The protesting going on is giving Trump the issue needed to test his Executive Powers by using the military to quell the protestors. We witnessed this in Lafayette Park!
By holding up the Bible, Trump has invoked remnants of Hitler, as he called for “Law and Order.” He also invoked remnants of Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” and George Wallace’s “segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” Trump is sounding the horns to the “greatest racial divide this nation has ever seen!”
Trump is creating the “test run” for the suspension of “Habeas Corpus” in the hopes to enact before the upcoming elections! If chaos ensues, the pandemic returns and if he can invoke the Insurrection Act, he will be able to suspend the general election, thus keeping him in power. The nation cannot afford to let this happen.
The failure of the Republican controlled Senate in our system of checks and balances of the Legislative Branch over the Executive Branch, Trump is operating with impunity! Trump and the Republicans know they are in trouble in the upcoming elections, their only option may be to seize power? Will the nation allow this to happen? Will the military allow this to happen?
The nation and the world are at its precipice and the conglomerate of evil is ready to take power from the people. They have seized control of the financial institutions and major corporations all around the world. They have influence over all the politicians. What will happen when the seize power over the military and law enforcement?
As the Coronavirus is wreaking havoc on the world, will the people have the will for peaceful change? Are we witnessing a mass extinction level event with the Coronavirus? Will the power of the people triumph over Trump and the conglomerate of evil or will their greed prevail? The time is ours for mankind to seize this moment and demand change before it is too late. The world is witnessing “A Revolution with Participation or an Overseer with Annihilation?” If Donald J. Trump is re-selected, we will witness an Overseer with Annihilation!
I would rather “think” or “believe” that the leadership in man is alien influenced than to “know” that man is inherently evil! “If you can think it, someone else has done it or someone else is doing it.” With all that being said, if I was part of the conglomerate evil, this is how I would implement “Phase Two” of the plan for total control? I am putting this out there for one reason only, to do my part because “Evil Prevails When Good Men Fail to Act” and I denounce Evil!
Phase Three
Is man inherently evil or is he under the influence of his greed? The selection of Donald R. Trump as President of the United States has man asking this question? Are we witnessing the rise of the evil greed or is greed finally turning in on itself? If Donald J. Trump is re-selected, will he implement the Conglomerate of Evil’s Plan, for which I call the Final Solution?
The group that political leadership works for is not for the people, they work for a Conglomerate of Evil. Under Trump, Phase III puts the conglomerate of evil’s plan in place that forces the people of the world to “Just Accept It!” What will “just accept it” entail? The Oligarchs (the leadership in the conglomerate of evil) is to force the world to just accept their decisions and policies to dictate and to force upon the masses by world governments, if not a one world government.
This conglomerate of evil installed Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, as the US is the world’s police force. Trump’s title is Criminal-in-Chief and he has been chosen to initiate and implement the world’s final solution of mass extinction. Why mass extinction? White power and profits around the world are waning and to solidify their power, mass extinction of certain racial and ethnic groups is their option to eliminate their competition.
The United States and Europe has never competed fairly with the world and does not recognize the rest of humanity as their equal! So, with that being said, what we are witnessing in the United States and Europe is the growth of political power among the non-white ethnic groups and this is seen as a threat to white power, white dominance and white tranquility! Since the conglomerate of evil is white (it may consist of other followers), it needs an identifying buffer between itself and the rest of the world.
White America is that buffer! The United States has been at war with the world since the US became a nation. The use of identifying characteristics gave the US the growth in its power for world dominance. The stealing of land from the Native Americans, who they call red people, the enslavement of Africans, whom they call black people and their war of expansion with Mexicans, who they call brown people. The whiteness and constant fight of white America is what the conglomerate of evil needs to think they will succeed!
What we are witnessing in the United States is why Donald J. Trump was selected. We are witnessing a pandemic, a failed economy, an economic shift, a rash of police shootings of blacks, mass protesting and the lack of presidential responsibilities! The Criminal-in-Chief is testing his presidential powers within the United States Constitution! Donald J. Trump is the perfect weapon, installed by the conglomerate of evil to consolidate their power. Let us look at what Trump has done or not done so far?
The pandemic caused an economic collapse, the economic collapse forced Congress to bail out big corporations and feed breadcrumbs to the masses. The police shootings (a result of Trump’s openly racist rhetoric) are causing massive protesting that have been infiltrated by antagonist like the KKK and affiliate groups, to disrupt the true message of the protest movement. This is all being done to hide what?
What are they hiding? What they are hiding is a class war behind a race war! As long as America has that white buffer, white America will witness a race war when the true nature is a class war! A class war will expose racial, social and economic inequalities. To prevent the exposure of economic inequalities, Trump has sent in his henchmen (white racist antagonist) to turn the peaceful movement into a violent movement to show white America what will happen, if equality takes place in the black and brown communities!
(1) The Pandemic? Why?
Okay, so let us look at which groups are affected the most by the Coronavirus, here are some of the numbers? For every 100 people dying from Covid-19, 30 to 40 are of Latin American origins, 30 to 35 are African American, at least 10 are Native American, 10 to 15 are white American and the rest are others. What Trump is selling to white America is that this virus is not designed for them, as it is having a devastating effect on the African-American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American populations.
Why do you think, he wants the economy to re-open? The virus has a negative effect of 10 to 15 percent on the white population and that is an acceptable casualty rate for whites, if the virus can wipe out a large majority of the minority populations here in the United States. Covid-19 is the perfect bio-weapon to thrive in minority populations, as it is harder for these communities to practice social distancing! These statistics do not lie, many will die!
This is a black and brown virus – statistics do not lie! Convincing white America that their casualty rate will remain under 15% is an acceptable death rate for white people taken their history of war and violence. He is ensuring and reinforcing the white power structure and mentality that dominates white America here in the United States, Europe and perhaps the world!
(2) The Economic Collapse? Why?
The biggest effect from the economic collapse has a larger negative impact on the black and brown communities. As the economy shutters, service sector of workers in the black and brown communities are hit the hardest. The black and brown businesses cannot be sustained, if the black and brown service sector workers suffer from the economic collapse!
The largest growth in small businesses for the last “ten” years came from the black and brown in their own communities. By Trump shuttering the economy, he is able to reset the goal-post by denying and slowing down small business growth in these communities. The economic collapse also gives the conglomerate of evil the ability to re-shape business development in the black and brown communities based on who is given loans and who is not given loans!
If you notice there are more and more chain stores that are now opening in black and brown communities, just as we see growth in small minority owned businesses! The chain stores are losing revenue that black and brown no longer spend in chain stores in white communities. The economic recovery of small minority businesses from the pandemic will take years to recover in the black and brown communities and this gives the chain stores the toehold they need to control the money in these communities!
(3) Consolidating the Money? Why?
We are witnessing a stock market that is doing extremely well, but what Trump is not telling you is the conglomerate of evil (the billionaires) is buying up all outstanding stocks, setting up their controlling interests in major corporations and they are making more US Corporations too big to fail! When these companies fail again, they are in a position to receive stimulus monies to be bailed out and further solidify their economic power! This seems to happen every ten years!
The billionaires are putting themselves in a position to dictate political, economic and racial policies not only in the United States, but around the world. They will collapse their own companies, receive bailouts and repurchase more of their outstanding stocks not only to enrich themselves, but be in a greater position to control and set economic policies!
The conglomerate of evil controls the money and will be able to dictate who receives loans. This will be done to re-establish community economies dominated by whites to control the resources going in and coming out of the black and brown communities. This will create a bigger buffer they need between the black and brown communities and the white community, thus diminishing black and brown political power.
(4) Police Shootings? Why?
Police assaults, shootings and killings of blacks are taking place all over the country to enforce police tactics to solidify white power, to stifle black progress and to destroy black communities. As white police officers kill blacks at such an alarming rate, they are doing so to keep blacks in their place and to criminalize them in order to protect the white power structure through systemic policing and racism!
Trump’s rhetoric of the peaceful protesting and his outright support for “law and order” is a clear demonstration that a class war is being hidden by a race war. By making this movement about race, Trump can convince white America that, if black power goes unchecked, majority white communities will be overran by the black and brown population. The police tactics used on the front line are to demonstrate the buffer needed to protect the white population from the black and brown population.
The police presence in the black community is an antagonist tactic to occupy black communities to show white America the necessity to be an occupying force in the black community in the event a race war takes place. Trump just added additional fuel to the racial flames by telling the “proud boys” to stand by! What is that a code for? He is telling all racial militia groups that we cannot afford to cede white power to the black and brown community. “I cannot Make America Great Again if we give up or diminish our white power!”
(5) Mass Protesting? Why?
The protest movement is about the police shootings, the fight for equal justice and the fight for equal protection of the law. The Black Lives Matter movement has taken the lead to challenge the nation for doing nothing to address the murdering of blacks at the hands of white police officers, who are sworn to protect and serve all communities.
The Black Lives Matter Movement is addressing the racial, social and economic inequalities that the black community has endured for centuries. The movement itself has become a threat to white established order by pointing out the injustices of racial, social and economic inequalities. So, the BLM movement has been infiltrated by professional antagonist, the KKK and their affiliates. What these white power groups are doing is to instigate a heightened level of violence, so that blacks can be blamed and be held accountable for setting the fires and the destruction of properties.
The BLM is also infiltrated by other whites for the sole purpose of controlling the narrative of the movement. This is to protect the interests of white sympathizers in the outcome of whatever happens, white America will come out on top as the benefactors, if a reform does take place. An example of this is the call to “defund” the police. If you defund the police, the black and brown community will see an increase of all levels of crime, as police resources will be shifted to protecting white communities. This is also a demand created by whites in the movement to insure whites maintain that division between the white and the black community.
Blacks may loot, as everybody loots, but blacks do not burn their own communities! We are witnessing black and brown communities being torched by criminals for the purpose of re-gentrification, insurance fraud, the decimation of the black community that will not be able to rebuild, once the conglomerate of evil has a greater control over the economics of the nation.
(6) The Response? Why?
A lack of response to the pandemic! Trump’s response or a lack there of is the reason why America is failing to get this pandemic under control. The failure of the Trump Administration to act on the pandemic and the economy is being done for a reason? The conglomerate of evil is depending on Trump to act inept to carry out the tactics being implemented for this nation and that is to increase the infection rate of the coronavirus on the black and brown communities.
A lack of response to the economy! The economic collapse of the economy was to bail out Wall Street, consolidate the money and put the power of economic control into the hands of a few! A greater control of the money does not only control US and multi-national corporations, but they will also control the money going into and coming out of the black and brown communities!
A heightened response to protesting! The police tactics are to show white America that black America is a threat. Trump is turning the Black Lives Matter movement into a racial uprising with violent overtones. He is trying to hide the class war behind a race war! Trump’s response by using a “law and order” tactic used in Nixon’s “southern strategy” to convince white America, he will use all the racist laws at his disposal to keep black America in its place!
(7) Consolidating their Powers? Why?
As more of the non-white population within the United States uplifts themselves, the more white America will be forced to consolidate its own power. Trump needs to disenfranchise the black and brown population to further consolidate the white power structure. The conglomerate of evil cannot work properly, if too much wealth and political power comes from the black and brown communities. Black and brown political power can and will defund white power!
Trump is stacking the courts not only with young conservatives, but judges, who are to rule for many years to come. Stacking the courts with young white conservatives is to secure white power, white security and white tranquility! The stacked courts will overturn many rulings that gave equal protection of the law to the black and brown communities.
White America would rather have a race war than a class war! Why? As long as white America can think and believe they are above black America on the racial, social and economic ladder, white America will chose to lose money, freedoms and liberties just to prevent black America from becoming of equals in the socio-economic status here in the United States.
White America will never choose racial, social and economic equality with black America! Why? White America cannot compete honestly and fairly with black America. If they are forced to do so, it will be at their own detriment! Everything white America can do, black America can do better, except? Trump is making sure this does not happen!
(8) Presidential Powers? Why?
Trump needs to be re-selected in order to remain in power to avoid going to jail for cheating and lying on his taxes. So, what will he do to stay in power for another four years? If he can survive another for years, time will have expired and he will more than likely face no criminal charges. And, if he does face criminal charges, he will have stacked the courts with enough conservatives to shield him from prosecution.
Also, violent clashes with police are giving Trump the excuse he needs to test his executive powers. How? As Trump’s tweets are a clear indication of racial overtones, white America has become bold in the openness of their attacks on the black and brown communities. Trump is hoping for increased violence in major cities in swing states to prevent high voter turnout, to invoke voter suppression or to invoke Habeas Corpus to suspend rights?
The black and brown voters may choose mail-in voting to reduce exposure to pandemic. States will also implement a reduction of polling stations and polling booths in predominantly black and brown communities to make the voting lines long and with many delays. If the black and brown communities vote by mail, Trump will challenge mail-in ballots as fraud. This is Trump’s best option to disenfranchise the black and brown population. He may try to send Sheriffs to voting places to antagonize voters and to suppress the vote.
He may even try to suspend election, as a result of the pandemic or the continued protesting, of which he sent in federal troops or a private army to stir up trouble? Trump is creating the scenario to ensure his chances for re-election. He may call out vote rigging or demand recount, if the election is close and Biden is declared the winner.
How will Trump steal the elections? If he thinks he wins at the ballot box, he will call all mail-in and absentee ballots fraudulent and demand the courts disallow those ballots from being counted. If he loses at the ballot box, he will demand a count of the absentee ballots only and call the mail-in ballots as fraudulent and he will ask the courts to throw those ballots out of the recount. Also, Trump will challenge the election results by tying up the electoral college process past its ballot casting date to force the Supreme Court rule in his favor.
(9) What Is Left? (Part of Conclusion)
The conglomerate of evil has made their decision not to select Trump for another term to serve their needs! Why? Trump was supposed to act inept (of which we know he is) in his handling of the pandemic. As Trump is not a career politician, he could have acted, as if he does not know and understand how politics work and the public outcry could have been minimal! What is Left?
Instead, Trump let his ego get in the way and his ego disrupted the conglomerate of evil’s master plan. Trump has taken his ego further by blaming the Chinese, by blaming the Democrats and his conspiracy theories. Trump said all the wrong things and the world stage is listening. This does not sit well with the conglomerate of evil.
Trump has polarized the nation to vote against him and overwhelming support Biden to be the next President of the United States. The conglomerate of evil has to slow down their plans for world domination because Trump just could not keep his mouth shut and his ego in check! As Trump is the current Criminal-in-Chief, the conglomerate of evil will not get in his way, if he tries to steal the election.
Trump has already fulfilled a major part of their plan? He passed a stimulus bill for the wealthy to further consolidate their power by purchasing controlling interests in major corporations. He bailed out major corporations that support the white power structure and have them ready to rehire white people when the economy recovers. He secured stimulus money for small white businesses to keep them afloat and be the first to reopen.
The pandemic and the collapse of the economy have the black and brown community struggling to survive both attacks! The black community is suffering even further with the infiltration of Trump’s henchmen to destroy the community and stifle its economic and political growth. The longer the economy stays shuttered in the black and brown community, the greater control the conglomerate of evil will have over its re-development minus the political power needed to keep their grip over the these communities.
He stacked the courts with young conservatives to ensure future court ruling to benefit the white agenda and white people for decades to come! All this is happening, as we speak, they will have the power to deny us (the non-collaborators) equality, access, human rights and equal protection under the law (well, there will be no law, just enforcement of their laws). Stacking the courts with conservatives re-establishes white power, white prosperity and white tranquility!
He wants to keep the protest movement in major cities in democratically controlled states in disarray to prevent high voter turnouts. If he can minimize a high voter turnout in the major cities, it improves his chances for another four years of calamity. He will rely on his court appointments to rule in his favor, if he is forced to challenge absentee and mail-in ballots. He will need to do this in at least three key battleground states to rule in his favor. If successful, Trump will have stolen his second election! If the results are close, he can steal the rest!
His refusal in getting control of the pandemic, his refusal in getting control of the economy and to prevent Pelosi from passing legislation, Trump has accomplished what no other President could do? He cheated to compete to finish first by destroying the black and brown communities!
(10) Just Accept It? (Part of Conclusion)
Are we witnessing the development of authoritarian rule taking shape right here in the United States? How far is “Just Accept It” willing to go? We are seeing remnants of it taking place right before our eyes with Trump, the Criminal-in-Chief in office? Everyone that does not agree with Trump or his administration is witnessing his wrath!
We see this with Trump sidelining the experts, attacking the critics, and threatening federal agencies that do not support his message. Will this be the new norm? They are threatening to fire people, who refuse to help control the narrative, the information or support their lies. They are attacking the experts, they are removing the experts and they are firing the experts. They are cutting funding of federal agencies that do not fall in line with their narrative!
The big media platforms are already in the hands of a few, as well as social media. Social media already has the power to edit or delete real time events. So, if you think the revolution will be televised, wrong? As soon as we post an event on social media, it is removed just as fast as the conglomerate of evil can delete it! The conglomerate of evil is using social media to divide us into two camps, just look at the friends lost and the friends gained!
But, this is only the beginning? The Democrats and Republicans are writing laws that are taking away our money, our freedoms and our liberties. We are being played right before our eyes, but many are too blind to see what is happening! Social media is providing the very tool to keep us fighting with each other, while the conglomerate of evil consolidates its power by tightening it grip on the two party system and propagandizing all issues and events!
The conglomerate of evil is using social media to spread false information about Russia, China and Iran trying to influence the electoral process here in the United States. This is another tactic used to throw off the scent of the dog! The conglomerate of evil selected the next person to serve as President, but they need to change the ballot count in key battleground states, just like they did in 2016, by changing the outcome of the ballots in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? If the election is close, the conglomerate of evil can steal the rest!
With the pandemic and protesting going on, we are “accepting” the restrictions in our freedoms and liberties! Unfortunately, restrictions with the pandemic seem to be a “necessary” evil and I use that term literally! The inability to gain control of the pandemic caused the economy to shut down, it is causing more people to become destitute and depend on handouts, as Trump is not providing the nation with assistance! Are we just accepting this new norm? Yes, we are!
The protest movement is causing chaos in the major cities in democratically controlled states, as this is all by design, why? The protesting is causing America to choose one side of the issue or the other. Are we to “just accept” a nation divided? A divided nation is a conquered nation! We are “accepting” a nation divided by race when the real culprit is class!
The class struggle in America is real and the conglomerate of evil is behind this struggle and they profit from the struggle! We are accepting declining wages, declining healthcare, declining government services and protections. We are accepting paying more in taxes and fees, our food, our healthcare and our freedoms and liberties! Is this the new norm we are accepting?
Final Conclusion?
Humanity is at a crossroads and it is in the hands of the conglomerate of evil. The conglomerate of evil has forced humanity to make a choice? Do we choose to live as a free people with equal opportunity for everyone or do we live under a system that controls our lives on a daily basis? Both have consequences and both have repercussions. How? Let us look at both!
If the choice is to live as a free people with equal opportunity for everyone, the white world will have to recognize racism as a major problem within their power structure, their dominance, their superiority complex and their tranquility. The choice for the masses to gather and demand white America and the white world to recognize racism as the biggest obstacle to the equal opportunity of humanity!
If this takes place, the world can have a revolution with participation, whereas the world can demand equal opportunity for all. The United States and Europe will be forced to recognize its crimes against humanity on the non-white part of the world! The acknowledgement of racism forces whites to recognize the protest movement is not a race war, but a class war!
If the choice is to live under a system that controls our lives on a daily basis, a war with each other is to exist for the foreseeable future. Why? Some will accept this way of living and be rewarded for their loyalty. They will be the second tier, made up of mainly whites and non-white loyalists, who sit right below the Oligarchs (top tier) and they will be the overseers in the collection of profits for this new system of rule.
The third tier will be the overseers with annihilation. This group is to be made up of a white military, a white police force, white militias and non-white collaborators. Their responsibility will be authoritarian rule over all non-white ethnic groups in the United States, Europe and the rest of the world. This will be the identifying characteristic used to keep us separate and divided! White power around the world will be a new system of apartheid, but more destructive!
But, this plan is stalled, as the pandemic is not working fast enough in its final solution to reduce the black and brown populations in the United States and around the world? This could be a rush to judgement, as we are witnessing new strains of the coronavirus forming and are infecting the population at a higher rate. This works well with the overseer with annihilation, as their ability to rule over a diminished population of people of color!
So, what choice do I know what will be made by the world is this? The non-white world will choose the revolution with participation, as it will put them on an equal footing with the white world. The white world will choose an overseer with annihilation for one reason only? They will be forced to once again compete fairly with the world and since the white world gained its dominance by never competing fairly with the rest of the world, their choice is clear!
I would rather “think” or “believe” that the leadership in man is alien influenced than to “know” that man is inherently evil! “If you can think it, someone else has done it or someone else is doing it.” With that being said and if I was part of the conglomerate evil, this is how I would implement “Phase Three” of the plan for total control? I am putting this out there for one reason only, to do my part because “Evil Prevails When Good Men Fail to Act” and I denounce Evil!
We are pleased to inform you that the last episode of Donald Duck Show will air on January 20, 2021!
Donald J. Trump did not only betray the nation! He betrayed the ones, who selected him to cause this calamity!
Donald J. Trump biggest crime to this nation is the Dereliction of Duties! He called himself Commander-in-Chief of the Pandemic and he failed to lead the nation out of the war!
Caption: This is a picture of the Secret Service and the New York State Police removing Trump from office, as Congress sign his extradition papers to face tax evasion charges in New York.
I bet you want to blame it all on the black guy! Sorry, you cannot have that moment! Your moment to shine is in a brand new set of handcuffs!
We want to thank you for building the wall designed to keep you in! I just hope it can keep your big fat mouth shut!
The Trump Calamity: The Aftermath
Donald J. Trump lost his opportunity to be re-selected as Criminal-in-Chief of the United States because his “ego” trumped his act to be “inept” for the Conglomerate of Evil. However, Trump was able to accomplish most of what was expected of him to do, but he forced the Conglomerate of Evil to pump their brakes on their plans to solidify their power to control the United States Government!
Trump was supposed to act “inept” and as things were to go wrong during his administration, he could be spared the criticism, since he is not a career politician. However, Trump has an “ego complex” and he just could not keep his big fat mouth shut! The Conglomerate of Evil decided not to give him a second term and made the decision that Trump accomplished everything they needed the Criminal-in-Chief to do in his first four years.
The Conglomerate of Evil decided not to give Trump a second term in office, as Trump’s ego was on full display for the world to see! His ego exposed his arrogance on the world stage by his “America First” and his partisan rhetoric. Instead of trying to heal the nation or at least “fake” news it, he exposed the nation of its social, economic and racial ills! As he did nothing for the nation during this pandemic, he even did a terrible job trying to fake it! Everyone is watching and Trump has made America the laughing stock of the world!
However, the conglomerate of evil agreed that they would not stop Trump from trying to steal a second term in office. Trump put everything in place, by stacking the courts, in case he needed the courts to secure his second term. Fortunately, he failed at every twist and turn in trying to convince the courts, the 2020 election was stolen from him. And the reason why, he failed in the courts was due to the conglomerate of evil?
To make this hard for Trump, the conglomerate of evil made sure the fairest of elections were to take place in 2020, so they could demonstrate their power over the electoral process and remove Trump from office, honestly (a term used loosely). However, I cannot say the same for the down ballot? The conglomerate of evil kept major players in office to maintain a balance of power in the House and Senate to stifle any progress for the people! Trump is making a second run more difficult in 2024 for himself every day, by making statements about conspiracy theories.
So, let us look at what Trump has given the conglomerate of evil in the last four years? He drained the swamp alright, but it was not on draining the politicians out of Washington, it was the robbing of the Treasury! Trump’s greatest legacy will never be written in the history books, as his restoration of white power can never be published nor exposed! So, how has Trump accomplished this?
Wealth & Taxes (A Shift in Money and Economic Power)
Trump gave a massive tax cut to major US corporations and the wealthiest of the wealthy. This shifted a higher tax burden to the working and middle class. The shift in taxes will be ill-gotten gains for the wealthy. With the middle class receiving less in their tax returns, they are going to see an increase in middle class debt. The wealthy will be the major shareholders in the credit companies that distribute this credit debt to the middle class and they will receive the windfall on the interest collected!
In the buyback of their outstanding stocks, these companies are now in the position with fewer decision-makers at the top! These corporations will become too big to fail in the next designed economic collapse when it happens! They will again receive a bailout package to restructure their companies with fewer shareholders and greater economic power, thus taking another pinch of the Treasury at the expense of the taxpayers!
If you have noticed, corporations are flexing their muscles in setting economic policies. As the Oligarchs increase their economic muscles, they are setting policy and wreaking havoc on future presidential administrations. What kind of damage they can do with that power? They can dismantle unions, they can take away healthcare, they can stifle wage increases and they can control their contribution to personal 401Ks!
Political Power (Laws to Solidify White Power Structure)
However, this shift in economic and political power needs to be backed up by legal means, so Trump stacked the federal courts with young white conservative judges! With the courts stacked these young white conservatives and the white power structure can begin dismantling the equal protections laws that leveled the playing for black participation in the United States.
When Justice Barrett was placed on the Supreme Court, the Trump Administration convinced white America, she will be the one to overturn Roe v Wade, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. The real objective with Justice Barrett on the court will be the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, Equal Protections Laws and Anti-Discrimination Laws.
With the balance of power evenly divided in the House and Senate, these protection laws will not be passed, they will not be extended nor will they be rewritten or reintroduced as laws, as we see the extensions are still sitting on McConnell’s desk. If McConnell remains Senate Majority Leader, black and brown America can kiss their equal protections laws goodbye!
As these laws are removed, white America will be able to go back to Nepotism and Patronage, whereas, whites will hold all key positions of power and wealth. They will reconstruct an overwhelming white military, an overwhelmingly white police force and backed by non-white loyalists for the buffer that white America needs to succeed over the minority-majority masses!
Racial Division (Keep the Races Divided to Further Hidden Agenda)
Trump has brought racism to the surface again and he has made racism fashionable! This has been done by design for the sole purpose of keeping the masses divided on the issue of race. As long as the masses are divided, the Oligarchs can secure the financial structure and keep the Treasury in their control! As the masses stay divided on the issue of race, they are not focused on the real war! America is in a class war!
The Trump presidency and his legacy will keep the nation divided for decades to come. If Trump does not go to jail for his tax problem, he will remain a political force in the Republican Party. His purpose will keep a majority of white America in the Republican fold. As long as a piece of the pie is offered to white America, they will remain loyal to the white power structure and the Oligarchs.
Trump may no longer be the Criminal-in-Chief, but his new title will be Chief Antagonist, Chief Instigator or Chief Disrupter. His newfound job will be to handpick young white conservatives, who are dedicated to the white power structure in America. White America cannot be white America, if other ethnic groups gain political power in the United States.
The Chief Disrupter (Keep the Races Divided – Stop the Biden Agenda)
As the Chief Disrupter,he will use politics to keep the races divided to solidify the white power structure. Trump will keep reminding whites through his tweets that the black and brown population are a threat to their way of life. He will remind white conservatives that this is their country and the liberal Democrats have conceded the party and its principles to minorities. Just listen to his tweets and the code words, he uses now!
As the Chief Antagonist, Trump will remain in the political debate to destroy the legitimacy of the Biden Presidency. He will next use his Political Action Committee (PAC) to challenge and deny the democratic agenda for the next four years. Trump will keep in the forefront of politics that the election was stolen from him and Biden is an illegitimate President occupying the White House.
As the Chief Instigator, he will also make sure the Republican Party does not work on bi-partisan support to heal this nation and fix the economy. Trump will make sure the Democrats fail at rebuilding the nation in case, he decides to make another run in 2024. This is the agenda for the Conglomerate of Evil. The Conglomerate of Evil have consolidated their power in the United States and the American people will pay for it! Thank You Donald J. Trump!
Solidify White Power (Change Voting Laws – Disenfranchise Minority Population)
If you look at the swing states with Republican controlled legislatures, they are drawing up plans to introduce new voting rights laws to curtail the growing minority influence in the electoral process. These states will also challenge the new voting rights laws in the courts that Trump appointed young conservatives to and these conservative judges will confirm the new voting restrictions written by the state legislatures.
These states will curtail early voting, they will require mandatory identification, they will purge voter rolls annually or every elections cycle, they will require re-registration to vote for every address change and these requirements will discourage minority voter participation! They will do anything and everything to prevent the black and brown population from gaining political influence or political power.
These new voting restrictions will be challenged all the way to the Supreme Court, and with the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act, the court will deem these new voting law requirements constitutional with its conservative majority. White America cannot maintain a white power structure, if it is to share power with non-white ethnic groups, so it has to disenfranchise the black and brown community, if it is to succeed.
The Side Effects of an Economic Calamity (Destroying Tulsa All Over Again)
As small black and brown businesses have declined as a result of the shuttered economy, their rebound will come with a heavy price? As lending institutions have been taken over by the billionaires and corporations, they will make it difficult to obtain low interest rate loans. The financial institutions will re-finance small white businesses with low interest rates and rebuild those businesses first!
The longer the economy stays shuttered, the more savings accounts within the black and brown communities dwindle. The black and brown communities will be forced to obtain a higher line of credit to survive to prevent falling into bankruptcy or becoming bankrupt. With the financial institutions being controlled by the billionaires, they will be able to control what communities rebound and what communities fall into disrepair first.
The Trump pandemic has set the goal-post back for the up and coming economic influence of the black and brown communities. The negative effect of rebuilding the economy in the black and brown communities will be long term. This will give small white businesses the opportunity to grow in the black and brown communities through re-gentrification.
A Shift in Economic Power
Big business and the billionaires are flexing their muscles with their new found wealth through the tax cuts and the bailout in setting economic policy. That is why you see McConnell holding up the next stimulus package to exempt major corporations from liability! McConnell wants to exempt businesses that force workers back to work in unhealthy environments.
These work environments that do not properly protect workers from Covid-19 are filled by the black and brown community. And with the liability protections in the stimulus package for companies from McConnell, it will prevent future lawsuits, if proven! With the liability protections in place for these companies, McConnell wants to protect these companies from lawsuits that may cost them $Trillions!
The Trump Dilemma (The Conglomerate of Evil’s Disdain for Trump)
Trump claims he won a majority of votes and therefore won the election! But, he is speaking in code and saying that he won the majority of the white vote and therefore, he should be President. He stopped short of saying, this is a white nation and white people have spoken. These other non-whites groups should not be the decision makers in “our” nation’s affairs!
Now, as I stated before, the Conglomerate of Evil made the decision that Trump will not receive a second term and that is why the presidential elections were conducted without election fraud. The Powers That Be showed Trump, who wields the real power in the United States, as they gave him the 2016 Presidency. Trump did everything they asked of him and yet he could not do that the right way!
That is why the conglomerate of evil will make sure New York prosecutes Trump to the fullest extent of the law because they gave him one simple task and, if he followed it, he would have served a re-election victory and remained in office!
The Virus Effect (An Effective Weapon of Mass Destruction)
The “test run” of the Coronavirus has proven effective in the eradication (too harsh of a word, but necessary for this topic) of certain aspects in population control. As the virus has devastated the elderly, Social Security benefits get a reprieve. As the virus has affected those, who are less healthy, the healthcare industry gets that reprieve. As the virus has impacted the black and brown communities, the white power structure gets a reprieve!
This virus has proven to work on the non-white populations here in the United States effectively and its impact will be felt for many years to come! They have developed a way to selectively control the population and ensure white dominance in the foreseeable future! Of course, some whites will be sacrificed in the release of the next virus, but the casualties will be an acceptable rate for whites to win the battle and maintain their dominance!
In the event the black and brown communities become socially, economically and politically independent, they will be able to challenge the white power structure in the United States. If this happens, we will see another bio-weapon released on the population. The Coronavirus has proven to work and is just the steppingstone in the evolution of selective population eradication to maintain white tranquility!
What Trump has become is the white spokesman needed for the oligarchs! He was selected because he was the kid in the room that said, “ooh, ooh pick me, pick me, I will do it” and he was given the task to carry out the misdeeds in this current administration. He became the Criminal-in-Chief because what has been carried out during his time in office is criminal.
Trump robbed the Treasury by giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy. He shifted the tax burden to the working class and the middle class. By doing nothing for the working and middle class, Trump forced them to decimate their savings and dip into their 401Ks! The new revenue stream for the wealthy and corporations will come from the accumulation of debt that will incur by the working class and the middle class, as they try to get back on their feet!
He shuttered the economy to remove the up and coming economic strength created in the black and brown communities. The economic strength of the black and brown community created upward mobility and social stabilization. As these communities became stable, they began to actively pursue politics to protect their growth and interests. Trump’s pandemic stifled that growth and destroyed the political strength increasing in the black and brown communities.
As these non-white ethnic groups advance, they will demand more say in the governing of the nation’s affairs. And as these non-white ethnic groups gain political influence, they will defund the power structure of white America. White America cannot and will not allow this to happen! The virus has demonstrated that it can control the racial characteristics of the nation, so what will determine its next release on these communities?
Trump is angry that 41 million Americans did not support his ideology and refused to vote for him. He is a loser and he cannot admit he lost the election, so he allowed himself to claim voter fraud to save face and to keep raising revenue for his personal war chest! Trump will not sit on any boards of business, he will not give speeches that will earn him a large revenue stream and he will not write any books to supplement his income. He is a failure and a loser!
His main job for the foreseeable future will be to keep the masses divided. As long as the masses stay divided, the class war is forgotten! A divided nation is a conquered nation! We cannot allow America’s elections to be corrupted.” This statement is code for white power!
Trump failed a nation to further his own ego! He will go down in American History as the only President to be Impeached twice and create an Act of Sedition!
Nikita Krushchev stated, "we will take America without firing a shot" and President Trump handed America to the Oligarchs!
The Republican Party and the conservative establishment are to blame for their unanimous support for Trump during his time in office, the acquittal at his first Impeachment Trial and everything that happened thereafter!
These Senators and Representatives are the ones with the bullhorns that constantly defended the actions of Trump throughout his administration and they are just as responsible for the insurrection that had taken place on January 06, 2021.
The Republicans chose to dismantle the white power structure to serve and be dependent on the Conglomerate of Evil!
He lied his way through life and let us hope, it finally catches up to him! He was chosen as the Do Nothing President and that is just what he did, nothing!
The Failure of the Pied Piper’s Seditious Act
The leaders of the seditious act that had taken place on the Nation’s Capitol are either stupid or their action was designed for the master plan. President Trump, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Representative Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) put in motion the act of sedition not to further their own agenda, but for the master plan to take away freedoms and liberties.
Now, they are not smart enough themselves to plan or put this in motion, so the question now becomes, who did they receive their instructions from? They received their instructions from the Conglomerate of Evil. Who is the conglomerate of evil? The conglomerate of evil are the policy players that work outside the Halls of Congress, who fund the campaigns for the politicians. The politicians in turn set economic, social and racial policies to maintain the power structure of the Oligarchs, who are in fact, the Conglomerate of Evil!
The Seditionist: The Instigators and Their Role in Insurrection
The leader of this seditious act is President Trump himself. As Trump spoke at the rally, he stoked the crowd to march on to the Capital and demand Congress change the outcome in the certification process in the counting of the Electoral College Votes. As each of the speakers, who spoke at the podium, egged on the crowd, they gave credence and convinced the crowd that the Electoral College vote was being conducted illegally and Joseph Biden was going to be counted as the illegitimate President.
By Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Paul Gosar contesting and demanding an investigation into the state of Arizona’s certification of the votes in Electoral College, they too are responsible for the chain of events that led to the storming the nation’s capital building and storming the halls of Congress. In their challenge to the Electoral College process, Senator Ted Cruz and Representative Paul Gosar stalled the counting of the state certified Electoral College ballots and forced Congress to return to their respective chambers to debate the Arizona ballots.
The major enablers of Trump are the Republican leadership in the Halls of Congress. They are Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. They are responsible for towing the party line in everything Trump did, even during the Impeachment of Trump, they towed the party line to acquit Trump for his actions.
Senators Ted Cruz, Lindsay Graham, Mark Rubio, Josh Hawley, Representatives Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz. These Senators and Representatives are the ones with the bullhorns that constantly defended the actions of Trump throughout his administration and they are just as responsible for the insurrection that had taken place on January 06, 2021.
The stalled Electoral College process to confirm Joseph Biden, as the next President of the United States gave time for the Trump team to egg on his followers and tell them to march down to the Capitol in the hopes of Vice President Mike Pence do the right thing to not certify the Electoral College ballots. In their march to the Capitol, the protestors by now are an angry mob, who are following an act of sedition created by Trump and are now seditionist. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) is also responsible for his actions by raising his fist, showing his support, egging on these rioters and stoking the rioters prior to their breaking into the Capitol.
Once they entered the Capitol, they became insurrectionists backed by Trump and his cronies at the podium! As the Capitol was breached and the insurrectionists stormed the Halls of Congress, they began chanting to hang Vice-President Mike Pence, looking to kill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and any other Democratic Congressperson they could get their hands on.
The minor enablers in this crime are the ones that enabled Trump throughout his administration. Those responsible are the Republican Leadership, the Republican Governors and the Republican Congress. But, in the scheme of things it is the whole Republican Party and the conservative establishment that are to blame for their unanimous support for Trump during his time in office, the acquittal at his first Impeachment Trial and everything that happened thereafter!
The Insurrectionist: The Actors / The Reactors
At the illegal Trump rally, yes I said illegal Trump rally? The permit was only for the rally in front of the White House. The Trump rally was illegal because the 60 plus court rulings threw out all voter fraud claims based on no evidence presented before them. All 50 states certified their elections results and sent the official state ballots to Congress. Some states even recounted their ballots to confirm that Trump did indeed lose in the recounting of those ballots to Biden. Therefore, the illegal rally was a crime right from the start!
Congress did its duty on December 13 through the “safe harbor day” certifying the arrival of the official state ballots. On January 06, 2021, the duty of Congress was to certify the state ballots by counting the Electoral College votes. In his “Save America Rally” Trump and other speakers convinced his MAGA crowd that the election was stolen from him and they should march down to the Capitol to fight like hell to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes and overturn the election results, so Trump can claim his right to the Presidency.
White America and their unwavering support for Trump was needed in order to carry out the plan for the conglomerate of evil. The arrogance of white privilege was needed to get the illegal protestors to the capitol. The patriotism of the KKK, the Proud Boys, the Oathkeepers, as well as other racist affiliates and ordinary conservatives to riot and storm the Capitol was of their own doing! Once at the capitol, professional disrupters were inserted into the crowd to do the rest!
The professionals that work for the Conglomerate of Evil were embedded into the crowd to keep the crowd riled up, to instill fear, to destroy and to stop the count in the Halls of Congress! What the insurrectionist did was to run a terror campaign and to demonstrate that white America runs the nation. The professional disrupters had other plans for the followers of the Pied Piper?
Once inserted into the crowd, the professionals committed acts of violence towards the Capitol Police to infiltrate the capitol. The insurrectionists followed the professionals blindly into the capitol and due to their arrogant white privilege became criminals. Once inside the capitol and the insurrection was going according to plan, the professionals needed to commit three crimes?
First, the professionals stormed the capitol to get the insurrectionists to follow. The second act was for the professionals to infiltrate the Halls of Congress to instill fear into the members of Congress and the insurrectionists followed. And the third, was to find the boxes containing the state certified Electoral College ballots and get the insurrectionists to follow.
If the certified ballot box was to be obtained by the professionals and destroyed, it would have forced the Electoral College vote to the House of Representatives. With the vote going to the House of Representatives and with the Republicans holding a 26 to 24 majority of the state Governorships, Trump would have been selected President. This was the final plan for Trump to steal the election!
The conglomerate of evil had their own backup plan! They knew they did not want Trump to steal the election, so they implanted professionals of their own. Once the insurrectionists were in the capitol, the professionals for the conglomerate of evil had taken the certified ballot box to a secure location. Once the insurrection was quelled, Congress can go back to counting the Electoral College votes, thus certifying Joseph Biden as the next President of the United States!
The Victims: The American People
The actions of Trump and his followers put in danger the lives of the Capitol Police, who are sworn to protect the Capitol. The infiltration of the Capitol resulted in the deaths of five people and the Capitol Police are the victims of the Trump insurrection. Once the Capitol was breached, the Capitol Police were forced to fall back and regroup. The question is, was the Capitol Police infiltrated by white nationalist and allowed the insurrectionist to walk through some of the doors to the Capitol?
The insurrectionists sought out Members of Congress to hang and kill any politicians they may have captured. The act of sedition instilled fear in the hearts of Congress, thus putting members of Congress in a position to fear for their lives. The violent insurrectionist believed they were following President Trump’s orders and their white privilege gave them legitimacy to storm the Halls of Congress and threaten, if not kill Members of Congress to overturn the election results!
The large voter turnout in the black and brown communities were also victims, as President Trump tried to remove the black and brown vote from key swing states. Trump claimed these voters, who overwhelmingly voted for Biden were votes of fraud and should not be counted! He did not challenge the black and brown votes he received, just the black and brown votes received by Biden.
The American People are victims, as Trump made claims the elections were rigged? The 80 million people that voted for Biden were the victims. Trump made claims he won a majority of the votes and the 80 million people that voted for Biden were votes of fraud! He made claims that the 74 million people that voted for him were the legitimate voters and to deny him the Presidency was to deny them their right to vote!
Disinformation: Control the Narrative
If you have noticed, the media, the terrorism experts and the politicians are focused on calling the incident an act of domestic terrorism. It was indeed an act of terrorism and the conglomerate of evil are to use it for their advantage? This is being done to control the narrative to set in motion for the federal and state legislatures to write new domestic terrorism laws. An Attack on Democracy will be new rally cry to write new domestic terror laws to take away freedoms and liberties!
The politicians are making their rounds on the media circuit and telling their harrowing stories of the domestic terrorist threat and how they felt during the siege of the capitol. All the politicians need to do is sell their stories to the people through the media and the terror experts. These stories will be discussed and debated on the media outlets by the experts. The media will sell to the people the need for new domestic protection laws.
The terror experts will compare this act of insurrection to foreign acts of terror and they will start building a case on how there are no laws to fight domestic terrorism. They will demonstrate the need to write new domestic terror laws to prevent an event like this from happening again! The experts will be instrumental in the formation and structure of new domestic terror laws.
By describing the protestors as thugs, insurgents, insurrectionists, violent rioters, destructionists and other depictions, the media is building descriptions that have been used all along to describe black people in America. If the media can equate the events of what happened at the capitol with black people, America can be convinced to give up freedoms and liberties willingly!
The media is selling the stories about the victims in Congress to the people and how they feared for their lives. The terror experts are selling extremism to the people through the media outlets. By using the same terminology to describe the insurrectionists as used to describe black people in America, it will that much easier to control the narrative for the master plan designed by the conglomerate of evil for the creation of new domestic terror laws!
The Repercussions: New Police Powers
What had taken place in the Nation’s Capitol, the people will demand change, terror experts will explain that change and the media will sell the change to the people. The people in turn will demand that something be done to prevent an event like this from happening again! A new law needs to be introduced and that new law will look like the foreign act of terror law with the focus on domestic terror!
This new domestic terror law will put new restrictions on domestic protesting. What it affects the most will be the right to our petition to seek redress from the federal government. You cannot fight domestic terrorism without new police powers? Protesting without a permit will be deemed a domestic act of terror and with enhanced powers of the police can respond violently by calling the protest an act of insurrection!
New police powers will be introduced from the actions of what had taken place at the Capitol. These new police powers will be an end around to the police reform laws put in place by the states, as a result in the deaths of George Floyd, Breanna Taylor and many others. The police will be back in business to keep killing blacks with a new emphasis on killing white privilege!
The insurrection was it an intelligence failure? Did the intelligence community keep their mouth shut and watch the insurrection take place to get a domestic terror law put in place to enhance the police powers, to receive an increase in their budgets and to maintain the power structure for the conglomerate of evil? The capitol police, were they infiltrated by white nationalist or were they instructed by leadership to stand down? Now, I know what Trump meant when he said Stand Back and Stand By!
Trump’s Final Act as Criminal-in-Chief:
Upon losing the election, Trump was given the instruction to put in motion his final act as Criminal-in-Chief? The plan was to use Trump’s loyal racist followers and to convince them their country has been taken over by Democrats and minorities. Trump wanted his followers to fight like hell to keep him in power to save America! What Trump Needed was an insurrection for the conglomerate of evil!
Trump set the stage early by spreading the lie that, if he lost the election, it will be because it was stolen from him. While campaigning, Trump made the claim when asked, if he lost the election would he concede? If I lose the election, it will be because it was stolen! Upon losing the election, Trump refused to concede and put in motion all the lies backed by the Republican establishment! The Trump lies, also set in motion for the states to reform and rewrite their election laws to curtail minority voter participation.
Trump challenged the black and brown voter turnout in key swing states he lost. He challenged the results in the courts to get black and brown votes thrown out and again he lost! In the next phase of the plan, Trump wanted the Republicans in Congress to challenge every stage of the electoral process and again he lost. By backing Trump, the Republican Congress used their constitutional procedures to the overturn the election results and they lost. The actions of Trump gave credence to his claims of election fraud and yet again, he lost!
Some Members of Congress challenged the Electoral College results and demanded a halt to the count to investigate voter fraud claims? By doing this, they wanted to push the investigation passed the certification date and force the count to go to House, thus giving the Republicans a 26 to 24 edge in Executive votes. To this day Republicans still refuse to recognize Joe Biden as the legitimate President of the United States!
The White Uprising: White Violence vs Black Protesting
Now the stage was set to create the uprising. The insurrection planned to get arrogant privileged white people to respond negatively for Trump at his illegal rally. At the “Save America Rally” the arrogance of Trump’s followers planned to show the nation they would not have Trump’s election taken from them! This was all designed by the Conglomerate of Evil! Why?
The Conglomerate of Evil needed to create an act of violence to get the nation to respond to make sure something like that never happens again! This was tried during the summer over the police killings of blacks. They needed to get the Black Lives Matter Movement to respond in a violent way and instill fear into white America to begin the conversation of writing new laws to protect them from such acts of violence they thought blacks were going to commit.
To ensure the protesting turned violent, professionals were inserted into the protest. It was the peaceful protestors, who exposed these professionals. As the violence failed to pan out by the black protestors, Trump had to take advantage of white privilege to be his final act. In the end the insurrection provided the reaction needed to make the claim for new laws to protect America from such acts! Trump and white power were hoping the Black Lives Matter Matters Movement was to be the lynchpin to take away freedoms and liberties.
The Experts and the Media:
The role of the media is to sell the insurrection to the people that the nation cannot tolerate acts of terror and something needs to be done to prevent this from happening again! Members of Congress, terror experts and law enforcement officials are touring the media circuit as we speak explaining to the people how this act of violence at the Capitol threatened the Institution of Democracy.
The terror experts are touring the media circuit to explain the event as domestic terror by white extremist groups. The experts are providing the expertise needed to sell the narrative that white extremism is just as dangerous as any foreign terror groups. The experts are using the media explaining the options on how to deal with events like this and how safeguards need to be put in place to prevent an event like this from happening again!
The narrative on the media circuit is domestic terror and the propaganda war has begun. They are using domestic terror by white extremist groups as the linchpin to write new domestic terror protection laws. The media, as a fourth branch of government are controlling the narrative to benefit the conglomerate of evil to the detriment of the people!
Who to Blame: What went wrong?
The white people, as well as far-right wing extremist groups and many other racist groups, who blindly followed Trump were in for a rude awakening? White people and these racist groups, who strongly support the white power structure were blinded by their own arrogance. They did not realize they were infiltrated by Trump and the professionals, who serve the conglomerate of evil! These racist, who followed the Trump lie, actually believe they have the right to storm the Capitol and overturn the election results because of their white privilege!
These white nationalist, militia groups and right-wing extremism are using the excuse they are fighting to take their country back because they believe Liberals are taking away their guns, their freedoms and their liberties. They also believe the Democrats are selling out white American values by promoting social, economic and racial values to uplift minority communities to the detriment of white values and white power.
The Capitol Police, like most law enforcement agencies have white nationalist within their ranks. Once the insurrection began did the white nationalist within the Capitol Police allow the rioters to walk right through the “front” door? So, the question becomes why? Was it because of white nationalism within the Capitol Police or was it to enhance new police powers? It is both, the white nationalist within the Capitol Police wanted it to happen and the leadership let it happen for the conglomerate of evil!
Did the intelligence community fail or did they let it happen? Is it possible the information was not shared for a reason? If the information was not provided by the intelligence community, who is to benefit from the events on January 06, 2021? Did they let the insurrection happen, so the government can write new domestic terror laws, increase police powers and an increase the funding to fight domestic terror? I believe the intelligence community failed to benefit the conglomerate of evil and it will cost the American Citizenry dearly!
White Retaliation: Blame it on the Black Guy
To fight against minority voter participation, republican controlled state legislatures are changing their voting procedures to curtail minority influence in future elections. In order to maintain some of their white influence, republicans that control state legislatures are writing new voter suppression laws and are basing their argument on the conspiracy theories of election fraud created by Trump in order to disenfranchise minority voter participation.
Republicans in state legislatures nationwide are mounting extraordinary efforts to change the rules of voting and representation to maintain their own political clout. The avalanche of legislation also raises fundamental questions about the ability of a minority of voters to exert majority control in American politics? As America becomes a minority-majority nation, white America needs to maintain their power by moving the goal post and re-writing the rules.
As white America gets knocked down the totem pole by the conglomerate of evil, they decided to create themselves a cushion of their own by knocking black and brown communities further down the totem pole through voter suppression? Once the political clout is removed in the black and brown communities, it will negatively impact the social and economic growth within these communities through the denial of essential services.
The Real Problem: White American Greed and Control
White America is the real problem and here is the reason why? Every time white conservative America elects Republicans and they take control of Congress, they pass massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy. These tax cuts strengthened the grip of power the conglomerate of evil has over the federal government. Every tax cut for corporations and the wealthy shifts the tax burden onto the middle class, thus weakening their political and economic influence over the nation.
There is no such thing as trickle down economics, but as long as wealthy white Americans can maintain their status on the totem pole, the average white conservative believes their interests are protected by the Oligarchs. It is the arrogance and privilege of white America that threatens how the conglomerate of evil conducts its business in the United States. The conglomerate of evil cannot profit just from white America.
They need as many of the other ethnic groups as possible to fuel their greed, but the racist attitude of conservative white America puts that plan in jeopardy. But, the conglomerate of evil cannot afford to have the black and brown communities gaining too much political clout for fear of disrupting their own agenda. As white power is so worried about keeping power out of the hands of the black and brown communities, conservative white America has failed to see Donald Trump and the Conglomerate of Evil take power from them!
The reason for the failure in America is white privilege has too much power over the social and economic decisions affecting the black and brown communities. It is white America that cannot compete with the black and brown communities, so they deny equal opportunities. The greed and control of white America comes from the fact that they cannot compete fairly, so they cheat to compete! White American greed is passing on the greatest opportunities to benefit the nation!
The Outcome: Control the Government, the Nation and the People
The conglomerate of evil staged a coup on January 06, 2021 to seize a nation and Donald J. Trump was their Criminal-in-Chief to pull it off! The Oligarchs cannot maintain and control power, if the white power structure retains too much of its own power in the nation? Create the problem, a stolen election (the insurrection), offer the solution, new voting laws (new domestic terror law) and benefit from the outcome! The federal government will introduce new domestic protection laws to protect the nation from white extremism and all other protest movements.
However, there is the need to keep the races pitted against each other. Without the division of the races, unity can hurt the grand plan for the Oligarchs. The conglomerate of evil will keep whites higher on the totem pole to garner their loyalty! They the conglomerate of evil still needs to keep white America somewhat in charge to further their agenda. Overall, the Oligarchs need white America dependent on them as well.
White people have too much power and they are the threat to the conglomerate of evil. The conglomerate of evil cannot carry out their plan within a whites’ only power structure. They do need minority participation to rake in future profits for their agenda. What they do not need is minority participation to defund their agenda, such as war and their structure of power. The conglomerate of evil needs white America to do its evil bidding around the world through its military interventions to rob other nations of their resources and wealth!
The Impact: New Domestic Terror Laws
Nikita Krushchev said, “we will take America without firing a shot.” With the United States under control of the Oligarchs within conglomerate of evil, the elected leaders have handed America to the Russians. The United States is heading down a slippery slope of sacrificing freedoms and liberties for security. Is this what the conglomerate has planned?
Any new domestic terror laws written will sacrifice freedoms and liberties for security! The conglomerate of evil wants new domestic terror laws for better control of the citizenry. Trump’s seditious act and the insurrection dismantled the white power structure for the conglomerate of evil. Once these laws are on the books, we need to be asking the following questions?
Will there be any restrictions on permits to protest? If any protest movements that turn violent, will the leadership and/or the protestors be charged under new domestic terror laws? Will any new domestic terror law stifle the peoples’ right to petition the government to seek redress? Will any new domestic terror law deny the people the right to protest to change government?
Will there be new police powers? Will there be an increase in police funding (use an end around to de-funding the police)? Will there be an increase in the participation of the National Guard? Will new domestic terror laws authorize the use of lethal force for police and national guard to use on protestors?
These questions need to be asked in the event, if they come to fruition and if that happens, what impact will they have on the nation’s Democracy? The ultimate question becomes, how are we as a people and as a nation take our power back from the Oligarchs and the conglomerate of evil?
Conclusion: The Trump Fiasco:
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were the kids in the classroom, as the conglomerate of evil finished giving their instructions. Donald Trump raised his hand high in the air and said, “ooh pick me, pick me, I’ll do it, I’ll do it” and the rest was his calamity! In the beginning it was planned to be the ineptness of Trump to carry out the plan put in place by the conglomerate of evil, but for Trump, the Criminal-in-Chief just could not keep his big fat mouth shut!
Because Trump could not keep his big fat mouth shut, the conglomerate of evil decided Trump was not to serve a second term! So, the conglomerate of evil ran fair elections to limit the people involved to remove Trump from office. By running fair elections, white racist conservatives needed to see the incoming power structure of a minority-majority nation. You “white America” cannot “Make America Great Again” within a majority-minority nation!
The next phase of the plan was to claim voter fraud in each state, so Trump can use conspiracy theories the election was stolen from him. As Trump provided no proof of election fraud, he gave cover to the republican controlled state legislatures to write new voter suppression laws to further disenfranchise black and brown communities. If racist white America is to stay in power, new voter suppression laws are needed to stop a minority-majority nation from gaining power!
The failure of Trump to turn the Black Lives Matter Movement into a violent protest movement forced him to reevaluate the strategy of racial division and domestic protection laws? Trump even infiltrated the movement with instigators, but as the instigators were turned over to law enforcement, this became another failure of the Trump plan! Trump had to turn on his own followers, implant professionals, as white arrogance became their own instigators!
The black protest movement put America on the world stage and forced the conglomerate of evil to change strategies! To show you how inept white privilege has become, white conservatives following Trump during the insurrection failed to see the deconstruction of their own power as it happened right before their own eyes! “Their patriotism is about to take away our freedoms and liberties!”
Trump is mad for two reasons? He is angry that millions of white Americans did not support his plan and refused to follow his ideology! However, the conglomerate of evil needs to keep Trump around to continue the racial divide. Racial division needs to stay at the forefront of politics for the conglomerate of evil to prevent any unity that strengthens the power of a minority-majority nation!
As the racial divide continues, could we be seeing the formation of an Autocracy to be backed by one-party rule and re-enforced by an Apartheid form of government? We can see elements of this now with conservative judges dismantling voter protection laws, Affirmative Action, equal protection laws, discrimination laws and states introducing voter suppression laws!
The Senate Republicans needed to convict Trump and banish him from politics forever. Instead, they chose to dismantle the white power structure to serve and be dependent on the conglomerate of evil! It has always been conservative white America to dismantle the money, freedoms and liberties of the nation for the conglomerate of evil!
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