“We do not confuse exploitation or exploiters with the colour of men’s skins; we do not want any exploitation in our countries, not even by black people…"
“The enemies of the African peoples are powerful and cunning and can always count on a few faithful lackeys in our country, since quislings are not a European privilege.”
“In Africa, we are for an African policy which seeks to defend first and foremost the interests of African peoples, of each African country, but also for a policy which does not, at any time, forget the interests of the world, of all humanity."
“In Africa we are for African unity, but we are for African unity in favour of the African peoples."
“Let us prepare ourselves too, each day, and be vigilant, so as not to allow a new form of colonialism to be established in our countries, so as not to allow in our countries any form of imperialism, so as not to allow neocolonialism, already a cancerous growth in certain parts of Africa and of the world, to reach our own countries.”
“Let us be precise: for us, African revolution means the transformation of our present life in the direction of progress. The prerequisite for this is the elimination of foreign economic domination, on which every other type of domination is dependent.”
“We are for African unity, on a regional or continental scale, inasfar as it is necessary for the progress of the African peoples, and in order to guarantee their security and the continuity of this progress”.
“Neocolonialism is at work on two fronts – in Europe as well as in the underdeveloped countries. Its current framework in the underdeveloped countries is the policy of aid, and one of the essential aims of this policy is to create a false bourgeoisie to put brakes on the revolution and to enlarge the possibilities of the petty bourgeoisie as a neutraliser of the revolution.”
Before his assassination in 1973, Amílcar Cabral was one of Africa’s leading anti-colonialists — a brilliant agronomist and socialist whose leadership of the armed struggle against Portuguese rule brought the empire to its knees.
Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral: (Born: 12 September 1924 Died: 20 January 1973). He was a Bissau-Guinean and Cape Verdean agricultural engineer, intellectual, poet, theoretician, revolutionary, political organizer, nationalist and diplomat. He was one of Africa's foremost anti-colonial leaders.
On July 5, 1975, the first national flag of Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) was hoisted; it was confirmed by law on April 19, 1976. The basic design was derived from the flag of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde (PAIGC), adopted in August 1961.
The Cape Verde flag was officially adopted on February 25, 1992.
The gold stars represent the (10) islands of the country. The dark blue represents the Atlantic Ocean and the red stripe - the road to economic progress.
Bernie! Bernie!!
“The problems we face, did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them.” .
“As President Franklin Delano Roosevelt reminded us: “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.”
"When we stand together there is nothing, nothing, nothing we cannot accomplish.”
“We don't want to see our kids and grandchildren be the first generation in the modern history of America to have a lower standard of living than their parents.”
“We are living in a nation which worships wealth rather than caring for the poor. I don’t think that is the nation we should be living in.”
“Change comes, even in the face of overwhelming odds. And the recognition of the changes we have already made, of what we have won, inspires us to fight even harder. When”
How Bernie Sanders was Denied the Presidency in 2016?
The presidential election of 2016 was filled with denial, tampering, hacking and suppression all in the bid to get Donald Trump elected. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were complicit in denying Bernie Sanders the Presidency in 2016. A plan was put in place and this is how it happened:
The political establishment was very afraid of change, as we can attest to the 8 years of the Obama Administration. Bernie Sanders recognized this problem and set up his platform to challenge the inept system in which we call a Democracy (Republic). As an Independent Democrat, Sanders was poised to break the norm of not electing a Democrat to a 3rd presidential term.
The Sanders Platform called for political change within a system that wanted to conduct business as usual with the political candidates from both parties. So, the Republicans needed a candidate, who can shake up the norm within the Republican Party and with the help of Hillary Clinton they could deny Sanders the Presidency. Donald Trump was to be that candidate.
The strategy to run Donald Trump was designed as a two-pronged approach. The two-pronged approach was to play off his arrogance, polarize white voters, steal the nomination from established Republicans and render the Tea Party null and void. His birth certificate issue with President Obama set the stage for his presidential run. White voters saw Donald Trump as their savior, as he was the only one to question President Obama’s place of birth.
In Trumps’ Arrogance, he polarized a portion of white America by telling them to he would make America great again. This statement was telling white voters that President Obama squandered their way of life to blacks, Latinos, Arabs, Muslims and Asians. Trump looked to white support by telling them he would build a wall on the southern border to prevent illegal immigration from Latinos that were stealing white jobs.
He polarized white voters by blaming President Obama as being soft on terrorism by stating he would keep open Guantanamo Bay. He focused on false information that Obama might secretly be a Muslim, who allowed too many Muslims in to the country. Trump proposed a registration act of all Muslims in the country to polarize white voters. We also are aware about the birth certificate issue as well.
In Trump’s unorthodox campaign rhetoric, he was able to attack all the presidential candidates within the Republican Party to the point of low poll numbers and dropping out of the race. A portion of those candidates were Tea Party loyalist, such as Rubio, Cruz and Paul. Trump was able to marginalize these candidates by focusing on issues not in line with the Tea Party.
Trump was able to marginalize some of the other candidates, such as Huckabee, Perry, Kasich and Kristie, as their established Republican credentials prevented them from running an unorthodox campaign. The reforms Trump used in his campaign and in the presidential debates prevented the established Republican candidates from speaking from the same tongue. The rest of the Republican candidates do not even warrant a name recognition in this article, as Trump was able to eliminate them quickly.
Hillary Clinton set herself up to become the nominee of the Democratic Party to replace a term limited President Obama, but Clinton had an issue(s) that was going to haunt her during the electoral process. Benghazi and the emails never hurt her as much her collusion with the Republicans and the Trump campaign to deny Bernie Sanders the Democratic nomination, as well as the Presidency.
The old guard of politicians and political machine were afraid of the platform that Bernie Sanders put forth to the nation. Sanders discussion of reforms put everyone on notice and most agreed that Clinton and Trump could be the ones to deny Sanders the Oval Office.
Clinton, as a Democrat could block Sanders (Independent Democrat) the nomination in states that had closed Democratic primaries. Sanders, as an Independent Democrat could not properly secure his nomination in states with closed primaries. Hillary could win outright or keep the voting close in states that had open democratic primaries, thus splitting the nomination votes. Is it possible that voter tampering may have taken place in some of the states?
By talking reforms similar to the Bernie Platform, Trump marginalized Independent voters in voting for other Republican candidates in limited open Republican primaries. Trump was able to secure his nomination within the closed Republican primaries by catering to white arrogance. Trump’s reform platform and make America great again was set in stone for his nomination.
Once Clinton and Trump secured the nomination within their respective parties, the stage was set on who was to become the next President of the United States. All the polls showed Sanders beating Hillary and Trump. In the end most voters believed Trump could not be President and Clinton should not be President!
In watching the incoming election results, I came to this conclusion that Bernie Sanders was denied the Presidency by all the so-called red states voting for Trump. But, there was another issue taking place in the election results. Early projections in Florida had Hillary Clinton with a huge lead over Donald Trump. Is it possible of voter suppression or voter tampering in Florida?
The late election returns in Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin led me to believe voter suppression and voter tampering had taken place in these states. The above states have always reported their elections no later than midnight. On this day in particular, their elections returns came in well after 3:30 AM in the morning. If to be true, Hillary Clinton won these four states and possibly Florida and she was also denied the Presidency. An honorable mention goes out to Wisconsin for its new Voter ID Law that removed 300,000 potential voters.
To save face in their collusion, Democrats and Republicans blamed Russian hacking to misdirect from the public, the notion that five states were undemocratic in their principles by denying Hillary Clinton her due right victory over Donald Trump! The Clinton emails were not enough to deny her the Presidency? It was her collusion with the Republicans to deny Bernie Sanders that denied her the Office of the President of the United States.
Sanders had the right message to the people and should have been the President of the United States!
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